Agile Meetup Dubai

The next Agile Meetup in Dubai will be May 6th 2019, and we are very much looking forward to once again welcoming all of you at Astro Labs in JLT.

Before we decide on the topic we would like to get your input. What topics are you interested in? – Please share your thoughts in the comments and add your vote in the poll.

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Looking forward!!


    1. I agree with Wajih.
      There are many ways (tools and methodologies) to scale with Agile, and SAFE is only one of them. LeSS and Nexus others. One meetup isn’t much time to cover such a big topic as scaling, but it is my hope we can discuss the general challenges, and look into the strength and weaknesses of the different approaches.

    1. Dear Abdul Salam Yoonuse

      There are many ways to get certified, but I think the most common certificate right now is the PSM (Professional Scrum Master) from or the CSM (Certified Scrum Master) from

      The PSM is online and self-study, so that might be easier these days.

      Alternatively I can recommend you having a look at KnowledgeHut in Dubai who can also assist you with training,

    2. Greetings to everyone in this community,
      I am AZEH BLAISE TANWIE, certified as a #PSM1. Living and working in Dubai and seeking for mentor to help sharp me in the agile scrum practices so I can be confident and ready for the job market.
      I’m tasty to get into the job market, but I’m convinced that I lack some skills, working experience and the potential as a newbie to succeed in this new career path.
      I would be most grateful for any assistant from any of the experience members here.
      My email ID:


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