Agile Meetup Gold Certificates

Over the past 8 months, I have together with Mr Wajih Aslam hosted a series of Agile Meetups in Dubai, and it where a great success!

With the Meetups we basically wanted to strengthen the Agile community in Dubai, by introducing as many as possible to the world of Agile. In 6 Meetups you can’t teach or learn everything there is to know about Agile, but you can get a great start – and so we did. You can read more about the Agile Meetups in Dubai in my previous post.

At the Agile ME 2018 where I had the pleasure of speaking about Modern Agile, and “Agile that Matters” (more about this in my next blog post) I also had the pleasure together with Mr. Wajih Aslam of handing over Gold Certificates to two of the Agile Meetup participants, Mr. K Satyanarayan and Mr. Basharat Ahmed. It was a great moment for all of us! – Congratulation to both of them, and all the best in their Agile journey.

If you would like to know more about the Agile Meetups in Dubai, and join the community, please sign up on the Meetup page here

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